- 언어교육
- 정규어학강좌
- 강좌별 특징
강좌 소개
Course | Class | Level | Course Description |
Conversation |
General English Conversation 1 |
Beginning High (BH) - Intermediate Low (IL) | Students who enter the class speaking in simple expressions or simple sentences about limited familiar topics, will leave the class speaking in more complex and/or connected sentences about a wider range of familiar topics. The BH and IL level is for students who understand the basic grammatical rules of English, and can use basic sentences to express themselves in familiar and easy topics (i.e. hobbies, weekend activities, food, music, movies, etc.) This class is for students who want to challenge themselves to move from basic single-sentence responses to more complex connected sentences within these familiar topics. |
General English Conversation 2 |
Intermediate Mid (IM) | Students who enter the class speaking in complex and/or connected sentences about familiar topics, will leave the class speaking in more developed sentences that link to form very basic paragraphs about a wider range of familiar topics. The IM class is for students who can already form connected sentence responses to questions about familiar topics. This class is for students who want to challenge themselves to make longer, multiple-sentence questions and responses in English conversation, and take the first steps toward fluency and mastery by “thinking in English.” For this level, students will be pushed to study native speakers, and begin to form more natural expression and pronunciation while conversing in English. | |
General English Conversation 3 |
Intermediate High (IH) – Advanced (A) | Students who enter the class speaking in paragraphs about a wide range of familiar topics, will leave the class speaking in more developed paragraphs even about unfamiliar topics. The IH and A course is designed for students who are already comfortable with basic topic conversation, and are looking to challenge themselves in more complex and unfamiliar topics. Students will be encouraged to hold conversations naturally, ask questions organically, and advanced their English so it can be used as a tool of expression, humor, and creativity. | |
Writing | Intermediate Writing | Intermediate Low (IL) – Intermediate Mid (IM) | Students who are able to write in simple, complex, and/or connected sentences about familiar topics are welcome in this writing workshop class. |
Advanced Writing | Intermediate High (IH) – Advanced (A) | Students who are able to write in paragraphs or short essays about a variety of topics are welcome in this writing workshop class. The IH and A level course is for students who are ready to form multiple paragraph essays, or who want to improve on their current ability as essay writers. This class will challenge students to improve their essay structure, transitions, and analytical skills. Students should be prepared to write and edit multiple paragraph essays in this course. | |
GRE Analytical Writing | Advanced (A) | Students will learn about the structure of the GRE Analytical Writing Exam
including the “Analyze an Argument” and “Analyze an Issue” tasks (as well
as brief overview of TOEFL Writing Task 2). Students will understand what
the raters are looking for in a top-scoring response. Students will feel
prepared to take the GRE Analytical Writing section (and/or TOEFL Writing
Task 2), and have a fairly good idea of what score they can expect and/or
should be striving to achieve.
Even students who are not planning to take a writing test will benefit from
taking this course. Analytical writing skills are crucial in a wide variety
of contexts - such as for a thesis, dissertation, or journal article
submission. Students will receive feedback on their writing, from their peers as well as the instructor. |
iBT TOEFL Writing | Intermediate Mid (IM) - Intermediate High (IH) | Students will learn a variety of test-taking strategies for responding effectively to the two iBT TOEFL Writing tasks (the integrated writing task, and the independent writing task). As students become familiar with the TOEFL test structure through responding to practice writing prompts, they will increase their confidence. Students will receive feedback from the instructor, as well as their peers, which will in turn help students learn how to evaluate their own attempted responses more effectively – (thus allowing students to reflect on the quality of their work with more clarity). | |
Specialized Course | Listening and Discussion | Intermediate High (IH) - Advanced (A) |
Students will: •practice listening skills through various materials on a wide range of familiar and also somewhat unfamiliar subjects •discuss selected listening materials with other students and the professor •learn practical ways to improve English listening and discussion skills both in and out of the classroom •identify and practice useful vocabulary and expressions •hone critical thinking skills |
Reading and Discussion | Intermediate High (IH) - Advanced (A) |
Students will: •learn to identify and select articles that are both at, as well as slightly above, their comfort level •discuss a wide variety of topics •improve their English reading comprehension and ease •learn useful vocabulary and expressions •hone critical thinking skills |
Expressions and Pronunciation |
Intermediate Mid (IM)/Intermediate High (IH)/Advanced (A) |
Students will: •practice clustering/clumping/word grouping/chunking •learn a variety of practical expressions •identify and improve repetitive pronunciation issues/bad habits •work on emphasis/stress/intonation |
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills |
Intermediate Mid (IM)/Intermediate High(IH)/Advanced (A) | Through participation in this course, students will be able to mitigate and overcome many of their fears regarding giving speeches (whether with or without PowerPoint slides). Students will learn a variety of important skills such as considering and catering to different types of audiences, creating attention-getting hooks, signaling/transitioning between ideas, using a range of body gestures and vocal variety, helping an audience understand complex concepts in simple/easily understandable ways, making effective conclusions, as well as handling Q&A sessions effectively after finishing the delivery of a speech. | |
iBT TOEFL Speaking | Intermediate Mid (IM) - Intermediate High (IH) | Students will learn a variety of test-taking strategies for responding effectively to questions in each of the six iBT TOEFL Speaking sections. As students become familiar with the TOEFL test structure through responding to practice questions, they will increase their confidence. Students will receive feedback from the instructor, as well as their peers, which will in turn help students learn how to evaluate their own (recorded) responses with increased clarity - so they can continue to practice more effectively beyond their time in class. |
언어 | 과정 | 단계 | 강좌 소개 |
중국어 | 회화 | 초급 ~ 고급 |
초급 중국어 한어병음을 익히고, 기본적인 의사소통에 필요한 한자와 중국인들의 실제 생활언어 표현을 습득하는 학습방식으로 주요 구문을 학습한다. 중급 중국인들의 실제 생활언어를 대상으로 한국 학습자들이 일상생활 중 비교적 자주 부딪히는 문제들을 학습의 중심소재로 삼았다. 고급 한중간의 문화습관과 언어문자의 차이를 중시하고, 중국어를 배우는 데 있어서의 어려움과 모어의 영향으로 쉽게 발생하는 오해나 잘못에 대하여 본 교과목은 표준어 규정에 맞으면서도 실용적이며, 간단명료하면서도 자연스럽고, 생동감 있으면서도 재미가 있도록 구성하였다. |
일본어 | 회화 | 초급 ~ 중급 | 초급 실제 일상생활에서 주로 사용하는 기본 의사소통언어에 필요한 기초어휘와 문법 및 기본회화문형 등을 학습하여 초보적인 회화능력을 향상 중급 초급단계에서 익힌 단문중심의 기본회화문형과 더불어, 보다 다양한 회화구사력을 위해 복문과 중문이 포함된 여러 회화문형을 익히는 단계 |
프랑스어 | 회화 | 초급 ~ 중급 |
초급 프랑스어를 읽을 수 있고, 필수적인 동사를 활용하여 프랑스어의 구조를 익힌다. 단한 문장은 실제 생활에서 사용할 수 있을 정도로 입에 익히게 한다. 중급 상황별로 이루어지는 대화들을 통해 실생활에서 자주 활용할 수 있는 문장들을 익히고 활용할 수 있다. 간단한 문장들을 자연스럽게 말하여 대화 할 수 있도록 한다. |
독일어 | 회화 | 초급 ~ 초급 상 |
초급 독일어를 완전히 처음 배우는 학생들을 위한 수업으로 독일어 알파벳, 발음, 숫자 등부터 시작합니다. 초급 상 실생활에서 사용되는 표현, 한국 사람들에게 특히 낯선 언어적 표현이나 문화적인 현상에 대한 이야기를 직, 간접적으로 접할 수 있도록 합니다. 독일어도 문법만을 아는 수준을 넘어, 활용연습을 충분히 해서 독일의 실생활에 바로 적용이 가능하도록 수업을 합니다. |
스페인어 | 회화 | 초급 | 기본 문법지식을 학습하고 초보 수준에서의 실용 회화를 연습합니다. |
언어 | 과정 | 단계 | 강좌 소개 |
한국어 | 회화 | 초급 ~ 중급 |
초급 한글 자모를 학습하고 일상생활에 필요한 간단한 내용에 대한 질문과 답을 할 수 있도록 학습합니다. 초급 상 관공서 업무를 혼자 할 수 있으며, 의견 제안, 묘사, 간접화법등을 할 수 있도록 학습니다. 중급 자신의 생각과 느낌을 표현할 수 있으며 제품을 설명할 수 있을 정도의 표현력을 학습하게 됩니다. |
TOPIK 대비 | TOPIK 2급 대비 |
초급에서 학습한 어휘와 문법 표현들을 복습하고 기출 문제를 통해 문제 유형을 파악합니다. 그리고, 연습 문제를 풀어 봄으로써 시험 문제에 익숙해지면 시험 시간에 맞춰 실전 모의고사도 풀면서 실전 감각을 키워 시험에 대비할 수 있습니다. |