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제목 [수강신청] Request Board of opeing Korean Classes
작성일 2014-09-19 17:39:24
작성자 관리자

Language Center is offering Korean conversation classes in every month and you are able to sign up from 20th to 25th of every month.

There are 12 levels of Korean conversation, refer to brief information below or https://lang.kaist.ac.kr/pages/view/lang_03 , please leave your request which level you want to sign up below then we will try to open them for you.  It takes a month to complete each level

and  the class time is fixed 7 to 8:50 pm, Monday/Wednesday/Thursday


  • 1A-1, 1A-2, 1B-1, and 1B-2: Beginning level, learning from Korean alphabet and survival Korean

  • 2A-1, 2A-2, 2B-1, and 2B-2: High beginning level, learning yes and no questions expressions
    We recommend to take Prep for TOPIK I (Grade 1) after complete this level.

  • 3A-1, 3A-2, 3B-1, and 3B-2: Intermediate level , learning skills to communicate fluently in Korean and demonstrates a fundamental understanding of Korean culture.

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I need 1A-2 in December
> 로그인 후 댓글을 쓸 수 있습니다.