어학센터 안내


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제목 Korean Conversation and Composition class
작성일 2013-05-21 13:29:41
작성자 관리자
내용 KAIST Language Center is offering Korean classes for KAIST international students and residents in Daejeon to help develop their speaking and writing skills.

<b>Open to</b>
1. KAIST faculty, students (including exchange students), postdoctoral, and their family
2. Non-KAIST people

<b>Sign up</b>
1. Period: May 21 to 27, 2013
2. How to: Language Center homepage, http://lang2.kaist.ac.kr/english/enrollment.asp

<b>Class period</b>
1. Composition: May 27 to June 26, 2013
2. Conversation: May 28 to June 28, 2013

1. Conversation: Beginner 1, 09:30-11:30 AM, Tue. & Fri.
2. Composition through Korean History: Intermediate of Kor. & Eng., 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Mon. & Wed.

<b>Tuition</b>: 5,000 won each class for KAIST and Non-KAIST
* Account number for tuition payment: Woori Bank 270_003359_13_046, Account holder: 한국과학기술원
* Tuition of this program is 5,000 won per person since this program is financially supported by the Daejeon city government.

Please feel free to call Jongseok Lee at 350-8738 for more information or see the attached.
Email: jongseok@kaist.ac.kr http://lang2.kaist.ac.kr/english
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