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제목 Korean Culture Experience and Party with Korean KA
작성일 2010-04-05 13:28:39
작성자 관리자
내용 We would like to invite you to a party on April 8. Please come and enjoy the party. Kimbab, Tteok (rice cake, 떡), snacks, and beverages will be served.

<b>&#10061; Date and Time: April 8 (Thursday), 6:30 to 7:30 pm
&#10061; Room #: N4, 1124 </b>

The One to One Dialogue on April 8 will be replaced by this party.

There will be a chance to make and sample Kimbap (김밥). Also you will meet Korean KAIST students who can help you develop your Korean skills as volunteers.

We welcome your family and friends as well.

It will be very helpful that let us know if you are attending and how many friends and family members will be joining with you by April 6 via email (jongseok@kaist.ac.kr) or by phone at 350-8731.
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